- With an Artist's Touch
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Welcome to! I own and operate The Shadow Box Frame Gallery in a new home studio in Simpsonville, SC. 

bobgecyI specialize in building custom shadowboxes and frames for just about anything. Click here for some examples of shadowboxes I have built.

Besides framing, I also enjoy painting. Please look at my latest painting, "Ballooning at the Ballpark" in the Art Gallery. I have also painted my reflection of the beautiful South Carolina state flag.  You will find ordering information for my prints and other art as well as my contact info.

Finally, I have built several outdoor advertising locations around the upstate.
Visit Gecy Outdoor Advertising on this site to find out more.

Please bookmark this site and come again soon!

Bob Gecy
Ballooning at the Ballpark

Bob’s newest painting “Ballooning at the Ballpark” is dedicated to Hot-Air Balloon Pilots. This beautifully detailed aerial view gives you a glimpse of the world they know and love. Bob especially wants to thank his pilot, Richard Ret. Richard took him on his first flight, shared the history of hot-air ballooning, and presided over the traditional ceremony celebrating a first flight! Thank you Richard!
New! Coffee Mugs with original artwork make a great gift!

Santa MugMrs. Claus MugCoastal Morning Mug

These mugs are a great match for your framed Christmas prints or the new Coastal Morning print.
$15 each - Order On Line!
Printable Order Form now available

You can now download and print the order form, mail it with a check, and receive your order in the mail. You may also visit the Ordering Information page, plus you can always contact us and place your order over the phone. Thanks for your interest!
Coastal Morning
Coastal Morning

Bob Gecy strives with this offering to reflect the pride South Carolinians have in their beautiful state flag. The flags history dates back to 1775 when Col. William Moultrie chose a blue background to match the color of the S.C. troops uniforms and a crescent moon which represented the silver emblem worn on their caps. This emblem signified a new beginning.
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Studio: (864) 228-0077
Mobile: (864) 275-0001

102 Foxhound Rd
Simpsonville, SC 29680
Call or Email for Appointment